Meet Hanifa Sabo Abukar, a young fashion blogger from Nigeria. She is passionate about fashion and the beautiful things around her. She talked to us about her blog, Haniiiifa and the story behind it and shared some of her style shots with us: Check it out …
How did you get the idea to start your own blog?
I get this question like every day (laughs). Well, random people used to come up to me and tell me how they love my style and also people around me kept on telling me to start a fashion blog and I was like hell no (laughs). If you know me, you will know that my self-esteem isn’t so up there, which I’m still working on, and I can definitely see progress since I’ve been blogging.
I started my blog a little over two years ago. It was a big step and I don’t regret one single moment of it.
Are you looking for business partners? If yes, what kind of?
Yes! I really would love to work with Vlisco. It has always been my dream! But also any Nigerian or African brand, really any big fashion company in my country.
Who is your favorite designer and why?
Definitely Karl Lagerfeld, his designs are very chic and classy.
How would you describe your own style?
Simple! Very simple with a bit of an edge.
Where do you get the inspiration for your outfits from?
Everywhere, but mostly on social media.
What is your favorite outfit and to when and where do you wear it?
Hmm… I think my black and white striped palazzo pants paired with my black & white crop top that has a large scale polka dot pattern – and a statement neckpiece – perfect for a night out with my girls.