Adama Amanda Ndiayeis is the talented designer and entrepreneur behind the very promising brand “Adama Paris”. The Senegalese was born in Kinshasa and today lives and works between Dakar, New York and Paris. As the daughter of diplomats, she grew up in several cities around the globe. Her brand is a name in the African fashion world. She embodies the multicultural designer of the new millennium. Her life between the African and European culture and the large variety of cosmopolitan trend has become over the course of the years part of her identity and her understanding of fashion. It is the spirit of the brand “Adama Paris”: elegant, African, and urban. Adama Paris clothes young contemporary women at home anywhere in the world. Her collections elegantly bridges cultures without assigning itself to one. Rather they repeatedly and creatively break through the limited picture of a style that is tied to a culture. Driven by her wish to share her understanding of fashion, the Adama Paris collection ran on all African fashion weeks as well as in Europe: Dakar Fashion Week, Black Fashion Week Prague, MISS Black France, 2011, ARISE Fashion Week, 2012 Lagos or in the African Fashion Awards where its collection with the “Les trophés de la mode Africaine” (TMA) debuted.

„Every women has to have a black dress in her wardrobe“
Adama Paris